Greetings! This past week has been filled with so much positive energy and excitement. Our students enjoyed theme days, a Christmas Concert, and of course a Pancake Breakfast & Winter Fun Day. Thank you so much to the many staff,
Remembrance Day Assembly
Thank you to all the parents & community members who were able to join us this morning on short notice. We will be having a “Gratitude Assembly” next Wednesday at 9:10am. This assembly will include presentation from our students (similar to the presentations that took place today),
Power Outage
Hi Parents & Caregivers;
We are experiencing a power outage at the school. We do have lighting and some power in our secondary foyer. I’m using my cellphone “hotspot” and battery on my computer to send out this message.
Halloween Excitement
We had many students, staff, and parents/relatives dress up today! Here’s a quick “photo-dump”:
Layer up…
Greetings Parents & Caregivers;
The school boiler system is near the final stages of completion. However, with the cooler weather over the weekend (and more in the forecast), the building is definitely chilly. Our maintenance supervisor will be at the school this morning to determine a temporary heating approach to get us through the next week or so.
School Clothing/BBQ/Non-Instructional Day
Greetings Parents & Caregivers;
• Ms Beebe has set up an online order site for anyone interested in purchasing Hudson’s Hope School clothing. The purchasing window is only about two weeks (last day to order is September 30th.
Terry Fox Run
We enjoyed an absolutely beautiful afternoon! A great turnout of parents, relatives, and caregivers. Thank you to our local RCMP for your safety presence! Go HAWKS Go!
HHESS News – August 2024
Here’s the link for HHESS News (for August). Please note that this information will be updated when Admin staff return to work, August 26th).
First Day of School – September 3rd 8:53am-10:55am
The first day of school for Grades 1-12 is Tuesday,
Elementary “H Note” Fun Day
What an absolutely perfect day! Thank you Ms Smith for organizing an amazingly fun day for our students! Also thank you to the local HH Fire Department for filling up our dunk tank, and Trent Winnicky volunteering to be dunked.
Elementary H Note “Fun Day” Date Change PLEASE READ
Greetings Parents & Caregivers;
Our elementary staff met after school, and we have decided to run the H Note Fun Day tomorrow (Tuesday) due to the weather forecast (it’s supposed to be a reasonably nice day tomorrow,