• Community & Relationship Building

    Below are some pics of one of our Link Crew Leaders who recently helped some “Gotcha” winners improve our school. The students went around and put new stoppers on some of the doors. These activities give students opportunities to get to one another better,

  • Celebrating Being You!

    A huge percentage of our staff and students wore pink today to show support for diversity.

  • Girls’ Basketball Pics

    Below are a few pics of good times during Zones in Fort St. James. The Girls really came together and played well. What a great experience. A huge thank you to Steffie Ackroyd for the tremendous amount of time and work she gave to provide our students with this opportunity.

  • “Flyin’ Bob”

    Flyin’ Bob came to our school as part of our ArtStarts program. He showed off some exciting balancing, juggling and whacky skills. We all really enjoyed this humorous and skillful performance. Below are a few quick pics.

  • Peer to Peer Learning!

    If you really want to see some engaged learners in action, check out our secondary students working with primary classes. It is amazing to see the enthusiasm that all students have when they are in a hands on environment with older/younger peers.